What Can I Eat After Wisdom Tooth Extraction?

Everyone has heard of wisdom teeth and how painful they can be if not grown properly. Sometimes, the only treatment for the pain caused by wisdom teeth is removing them. Irrespective of the procedure of wisdom teeth extraction, aftercare is very important. The situation may lead to severe complications if proper precautions are not taken. After surgery, you must be careful about what you eat during recovery. Eating good and healthy food after tooth extraction helps to heal the mouth. It lowers the chance of infection and decreases swelling and pain.

Tips to Follow 

Following are some tips for the after-protection of tooth extraction. 

  • Eating is essential during the recovery after an extraction. Eating the right foods right after an extraction is important for recovery.
  • It is better to avoid hard food. Switch to softer foods because chewing is not recommended. Chewing food immediately after tooth extraction is impossible because it leads to discomfort and pain. 
  • In the first twenty-eight hours, drink plenty of fluids. We all know hydration is the key to proper relief and treatment. So, stay hydrated most of the time. 
  • Ice cream is a good idea because it works like an ice pack to help reduce swelling and pain.
  • Soft foods like yogurt, scrambled eggs, and mashed potatoes help to gain nutrients. These are easy to chew. The body needs these nutrients to heal. After the procedure, eating foods with proteins, vitamins A, C, zinc, and iron is important. They help your body heal and grow new cells.  Eating fibre-rich foods can reduce swelling and inflammation.
  • Vegetable intake is a rich source of nutrients. You should not take raw vegetables as chewing is not allowed. Mashing the vegetables helps to reduce the need to chew. Mashed potatoes are a soft and nutritious option.
  • Smoothie shakes with various fruits help provide the nutrients required for healing. Remember one thing: that every fruit is not suitable for healing purposes. You should avoid seeded fruits. The seeds in them can get stuck in the wound and cause severe pain, irritation, and even bleeding. 
  • Avoid foods with alcohol and hot beverages. They can dislodge the clot of blood, leading to a dry socket.  A dry socket, in turn, can cause intense pain in the jaw or gum.
  • A healthy diet is a part of recovery. Pain and inflammation can make eating difficult. Doctors suggest using anti-inflammatory drugs and pain relievers. On the first day, use ice packs to ease pain, reduce swelling, and be cautious with what you eat.
  • Some doctors prescribe an antibiotic after extraction. This antibiotic reduces the risk of infection. It is better to listen to your doctor anyhow. Many doctors advise rinsing with salt water to control bleeding. Avoid smoking and drinking. With the right after-care, it takes about one to two weeks for full healing.

You can return to your regular diet a week after a tooth extraction, but if there are problems, it might take longer. If you feel this comfort or pain in any area of your mouth, immediately consult the dentist and do as prescribed.

Good hygiene and the right diet are essential to recover after tooth extraction. Eating a soft diet with the right nutrients helps keep the blood clot in place, nourishes your body, and speeds up healing.

Danielle Bolger

Danielle Bolger

Danielle graduated from Griffith University in 2011 with a bachelor of Oral Health (Dental Science), Graduate Diploma of Dentistry, and was honoured as a member of the Golden Key for her academic achievements.

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